ScottC has posted 2,047 messages, been awarded 50 achievements and has accumulated 33,885 karma points since joining the community on Nov 8, 2008.

Scott Conrad

PHP/Javascript Developer well versed in concrete5, currently working in Laravel, custom concrete5 applications and angular.js. Also into functional and unit testing, currently learning jasmine and karma to automate even more testing.

I am maintainer of concrete5 blog app, one of the leading 3rd party concrete5 addons, I contributed wordpress import->concrete5 app code, i've made core contributions to concrete5 and i've written tons of stuff for clients. I have singlehandedly eliminated the need for wordpress on concrete5 sites for some pretty large sites.

I'm also writing a book on concrete5 application development.
Past Experience

PHP/MySQL/jQuery developer, been working with and in the concrete5 community since it was totally hosted on :)


None Entered


Holmes Beach, Florida 34217
United States

Current Specialties

Project Management
Strategic Consulting
Information Architecture
PHP Developer


None Entered

Marketplace Listings

No marketplace listings.

None Entered
Beta Crew - Tests new versions of concrete5 before you have to deal with em.
Gold Star I - Accomplished a great selfless act.
Silver Star I - Accomplished something cool.
Site Owner - Runs at least one website built with concrete5.
Builder - Has built concrete5 websites.
Expert I - Demonstrated some concrete5 smarts.
Gold Star II - Accomplished a few great selfless acts.
Silver Star II - Accomplished a few cool things.
Expert II - Demonstrated a lot of concrete5 smarts.
Gold Star III - Accomplished many great selfless acts.
Member of the Week - Featured on the Community landing page for a week.
Silver Star III - Accomplished many cool things.
First Post
First Reply
Has created a helpful post
Has provided the best reply
50 Posts
100 Posts
200 Posts
500 Posts
1000 Posts
Has authored at least one Add-On and submitted it to the concrete5 marketplace.
Themer - Has authored at least one theme and submitted it to the concrete5 marketplace.
Has accumulated 5,000 Karma Points on
Swagtastic - Bought some swag.
IRC Member - Routinely spends time in the concrete5 IRC.
IRC Leader - Has been
Core Contributor - Has submitted code that was accepted to the core.
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1K Karma
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10K Karma
15K Karma
20K Karma
25K Karma
30K Karma
Platinum Star I - Done amazing things for concrete5.
Karma Winner - Has won a weekly karma prize.
Marketplace Customer - Has purchased an add-on/theme in the concrete5 marketplace.