c5hub has posted 1,543 messages, been awarded 26 achievements and has accumulated 23,810 karma points since joining the community on Jan 17, 2014.

Andy Griffiths

c5Hub is about helping you get as much as possible out of this great CMS - whether you're just starting out or a seasoned pro.

We think concrete5 ticks all the boxes. It's intuitive for site administrators, easy to theme for web designers and, powerful and flexible for application developers.

c5Hub is a place to learn, a community, and resource library - all rolled into one.
Past Experience

None Entered


None Entered


None Entered

Current Specialties

None Entered


None Entered

Marketplace Listings

No marketplace listings.

None Entered
Builder - Has built concrete5 websites.
First Post
First Reply
Has created a helpful post
Has provided the best reply
50 Posts
100 Posts
200 Posts
500 Posts
1000 Posts
Has authored at least one Add-On and submitted it to the concrete5 marketplace.
Themer - Has authored at least one theme and submitted it to the concrete5 marketplace.
Has accumulated 5,000 Karma Points on concrete5.org
1st Anniversary
2nd Anniversary
3rd Anniversary
4th Anniversary
5th Anniversary
6th Anniversary
7th Anniversary
1K Karma
5K Karma
10K Karma
15K Karma
20K Karma
Karma Winner - Has won a weekly karma prize.