chadsmith729 has posted 34 messages, been awarded 15 achievements and has accumulated 650 karma points since joining the community on Dec 3, 2010.

Chad Smith

Self taught PHP/MySQL expert with over 12 years of experience. Just recently began working with traditional frameworks such as Concrete, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, and Zend Framework.
Past Experience

I have been involved in the website development world for about 12 years. I'm proficient with both PHP and MySQL, and my previous experience has allowed me to be published on three occasions for my work in the field. I'm currently working for ScienceLogic INC based in Reston,VA. We produce a solid Network Monitoring appliance.


None Entered


Sterling, Virginia 20164
United States

Current Specialties

Project Management
Strategic Consulting
Information Architecture
PHP Developer


B.S. in Computer Engineering ('05) from DeVry University

Marketplace Listings

No marketplace listings.

None Entered
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