feeljubilant has posted 170 messages, been awarded 17 achievements and has accumulated 1,805 karma points since joining the community on Aug 15, 2011.

Feel Jubilant

I have designed and maintained Concrete CMS websites since 2011.
Past Experience

I worked as a registered dietitian and nutritionist, and worked as a licensed classroom teacher. I have worked online since 2007. I have lived in Israel and in Taiwan.


I try to associate with kind people.


United States

Please email me. Thanks.
Current Specialties

Project Management
Strategic Consulting
General Problem Solver


None Entered

Marketplace Listings

No marketplace listings.

None Entered
First Post
First Reply
Has created a helpful post
Has provided the best reply
50 Posts
100 Posts
1st Anniversary
2nd Anniversary
3rd Anniversary
4th Anniversary
5th Anniversary
6th Anniversary
7th Anniversary
8th Anniversary
9th Anniversary
1K Karma
Marketplace Customer - Has purchased an add-on/theme in the concrete5 marketplace.