katz515 has posted 881 messages, been awarded 48 achievements and has accumulated 60,435 karma points since joining the community on Jan 15, 2009.

Katz Ueno

Katz currently works as the Chief Communications Officer at concrete5 Japan, Inc. to spead the word of concrete5 CMS, a free open source web publishing application.

Katz is good at

- Site planning
- Marketing strategy
- Social marketing
- Video marketing
- Team lead
- Add-on development
- Theme development
- Server Planning (AWS, Azure, Dedicated)

He has worked with Japan's major companies, universities and government to build their enterprise websites.

He has authored multiple add-ons which are available on concrete5.org marketplace, and he is the admin member of PRB, concrete5.org marketplace add-on/theme review team.

He's also leading concrete5 in Japan with his colleagues at concrete5 Japan, Inc.

## Personal Bio

As Japan's best English social media aggregator, Katz funded JapanExp and YokosoNews to provide travel, culture and lifestyle information of Japan.

Katz was born and raised in Yokkaichi, Mie, Japan, then moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dream to become a filmmaker. After graduating from California State University, Long Beach, he has worked on dozens of independent film projects as well as national TV programs as a producer; in post-production, and sound designer.

Then, he started working for several publishing companies. He was self-taught as a web designer. In 2006, he started working for Entertainment Today, an entertainment weekly since 1967, then he became the editor-in-chief in 2007.

In 2009, he joined an open source software project, concrete5, to start translating and marketing in Japanese.

In 2010, after years of preparation, he launched a social media web project, JapanExp, to explore, express and export Japan. As one of its projects, he launched YokosoNews to introduce travel, lifestyle and cultural information of Japan to, and welcome people to visit from overseas.

In 2011, during the aftermath of March 11 East Japan Earthquake, he immediately started the emergency live stream via Ustream which caught the attention of one million viewers within a month. Those viewers include: ABC; Washington Post; Al Jazeera; German Public Radio; Russia Today and other media outlets.

He's always wanted to help many people and has been looking for new ventures as the fast paced web and media world evolves.

My Company Site

concrete5 japan (Japanese only)




Past Experience

Please check my LinkedIn


None Entered


Iwakura, Aichi

Current Specialties

Project Management
Strategic Consulting
Information Architecture
PHP Developer
Traditional Marketing


California State University, Long Beach - BA in Film Production

Marketplace Listings

No marketplace listings.

Certification v8 level 1
Beta Crew - Tests new versions of concrete5 before you have to deal with em.
Gold Star I - Accomplished a great selfless act.
Silver Star I - Accomplished something cool.
Builder - Has built concrete5 websites.
Expert I - Demonstrated some concrete5 smarts.
Hub - Organizer of local concrete5 meet-up groups.
First Post
First Reply
Has created a helpful post
Has provided the best reply
50 Posts
100 Posts
200 Posts
500 Posts
Has authored at least one Add-On and submitted it to the concrete5 marketplace.
Has accumulated 5,000 Karma Points on concrete5.org
Docs Contributor - Has authored at least one how-to article.
High Five - Did something worthy of a high-five from the Core Team.
1st Anniversary
2nd Anniversary
3rd Anniversary
4th Anniversary
5th Anniversary
6th Anniversary
7th Anniversary
8th Anniversary
9th Anniversary
10th Anniversary
11th Anniversary
12th Anniversary
1K Karma
5K Karma
10K Karma
15K Karma
20K Karma
25K Karma
30K Karma
35K Karma
40K Karma
45K Karma
50K Karma
60K Karma
Karma Winner - Has won a weekly karma prize.
Marketplace Customer - Has purchased an add-on/theme in the concrete5 marketplace.
Silver Star I - Has accomplished something cool
2021 Concrete CMS Services Partner
Golden Baton