TimDix has posted 75 messages, been awarded 32 achievements and has accumulated 8,785 karma points since joining the community on Oct 13, 2009.

Tim Dix

I'm a professional developer with over ten years of experience over a wide range of work specializing in small and large content sites, ecommerce, custom API integrations, and large enterprise web applications. I leverage my expertise and proficiency with a wide range of skills and technologies to analyze, plan, manage, and efficiently produce effective solutions. Below is just a sampling of the websites I've developed.

I excel at transforming your business challenges and goals, into effective solutions. I take designs and concepts, and develop cross-browser web sites using best-practice development techniques. I'm always looking for opportunities to challenge my skill set by producing exceptional work that pushes the limits of multiple technologies working in symphony. It's not just about using the latest technologies, but determining how the latest technologies can further your goals.

Below is just a sampling of the websites I've developed.
Past Experience



None Entered


United States

443 206 8193
Current Specialties

Project Management
PHP Developer


None Entered

Marketplace Listings

No marketplace listings.

None Entered
Beta Crew - Tests new versions of concrete5 before you have to deal with em.
Gold Star I - Accomplished a great selfless act.
Silver Star I - Accomplished something cool.
Site Owner - Runs at least one website built with concrete5.
Builder - Has built concrete5 websites.
Gold Star II - Accomplished a few great selfless acts.
Silver Star II - Accomplished a few cool things.
First Post
First Reply
Has created a helpful post
Has provided the best reply
50 Posts
Has accumulated 5,000 Karma Points on concrete5.org
Bug Reporter - Has submitted a valid bug
IRC Member - Routinely spends time in the concrete5 IRC.
IRC Leader - Has been
Site Owner II - Runs at least five websites built with concrete5.
1st Anniversary
2nd Anniversary
3rd Anniversary
4th Anniversary
5th Anniversary
6th Anniversary
7th Anniversary
8th Anniversary
9th Anniversary
10th Anniversary
11th Anniversary
1K Karma
5K Karma
Karma Winner - Has won a weekly karma prize.
Marketplace Customer - Has purchased an add-on/theme in the concrete5 marketplace.