spottjake has posted 8 messages, been awarded 12 achievements and has accumulated 50 karma points since joining the community on Dec 22, 2011.

Kaye Krapohl

Designer seeks coder. I am an award-winning designer, but just lost my IT partner, Need to team up with a programmer who excels at modifing templates, e-commerce shopping carts, problem solving and a fast worker. Jobs pay $50 to $80 hr depending on skill and project! Just started working in Concrete5 and need a partner.
Past Experience

Have designed sites (award winning ones) but worked at a design firm, and had inhouse geeks that did the back end in .asp. Really looking for help with my other clients and building up my other work aside from prinit etc. by developing a team that can do the back end for a nutshell, designer in search of IT help! Thanks. I host my sites at BlueHost and A2.


None Entered


United States

Current Specialties

Project Management
Graphic Design
Traditional Marketing
General Problem Solver


University of Michigan

Marketplace Listings

No marketplace listings.

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Marketplace Customer - Has purchased an add-on/theme in the concrete5 marketplace.